Oh Dear God not Bombay Sapphire. Hendricks: yes please, with cucumber; Tanqueray: mmmmm; Beefeater: yep. Always with tonic and lime. Any other mixer would be wrong and weird. Gin and orange? Bleurgh.
Gin and orange is bleurgh indeed Carine and I used to like Bombay Sapphire but now I know the error of my ways. I like Hendrick's for an occasional drink but Tanqueray is definitely the gin for me.
Hi Keetha, nice to meet you. I'll check out your blog. I don't know that gin, maybe it's not available here. I'll have to try it next time I'm in the States.
Long live the G&T! Having been dragged up and not brought up I love almost all gin, I even like Larios Spanish Gin.... of dear! How could I not have known it was the birthday of gin and tonic? Thank you Gemma for bringing it to attention. x
Oh Dear God not Bombay Sapphire. Hendricks: yes please, with cucumber; Tanqueray: mmmmm; Beefeater: yep. Always with tonic and lime. Any other mixer would be wrong and weird. Gin and orange? Bleurgh.
Quentessential is the gin for me. And it comes in a pretty blue bottle, too.
Gin and orange is bleurgh indeed Carine and I used to like Bombay Sapphire but now I know the error of my ways. I like Hendrick's for an occasional drink but Tanqueray is definitely the gin for me.
Hi Keetha, nice to meet you. I'll check out your blog. I don't know that gin, maybe it's not available here. I'll have to try it next time I'm in the States.
Gemma x
50 years old? Who knew! And what would we do without it? God bless G&T!
Long live the G&T! Having been dragged up and not brought up I love almost all gin, I even like Larios Spanish Gin.... of dear! How could I not have known it was the birthday of gin and tonic? Thank you Gemma for bringing it to attention. x
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