Monday 18 June 2007


Just a brief update before we jump in the car for four nights in the Lake District.

On Saturday night I walked for 26.2 long miles. Saturday was miserable but despite the mud at the start it was surprisingly fine and, as it is nearing midsummer, the sky started to lighten at 3.30am so by the time we reached the sea it was dawn. Anyway, aside from the supportive cheers of drunk guys out on a Saturday night, one of the highlights was stumbling past three very supportive husbands who had driven down to the route with a camping stove to make bacon sandwiches and tea for their wives and their walking group. The wives had continued walking but the husbands still had plenty of food left so were doling out bacon rolls to anyone who wanted one, which we did and it revived us amazingly well at 5am. We finished shortly before 9 and I went home and fell into bed incapable of movement. If you fancy doing the moonwalk next year I recommend it, just do the training and be prepared to lie in bed all day afterwards, oh and try not to be too grouchy when the wonderful volunteers tell you there's not long to go even though you still have five miles left and are already exhausted!

Wednesday 13 June 2007


More hugely uninspired days in the kitchen last week but on Sunday we went to Taste of Edinburgh. It was busy and we didn't see any of the cooking demonstrations (mostly because I had wanted to go on Friday to see the lovely Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall but was at work and wasn't so bothered about the Sunday people) or attend any of the tutored drink tastings but we did eat a few of the restaurant sample dishes. The stand outs were squid with chorizo from First Coast, Slow Cooked Pork Belly from Tigerlily, and Pistachio, Curd and Chickpea Cake from David Bann and along with all these small dishes we drank a few (more or less) drinks.

It was fun and I would have enjoyed it enough but there was one event that shines above all others, I ate a strawberry and I enjoyed it enough to buy two punnets to take home. Anyone who knows me will know that this is nothing short of a miracle. The next day Chris wondered if my strawberry enjoyment was down to the cava, or maybe the beer, or perhaps the capirinha, but I ate them the next day and was similarly wowed so, joy of joys, I now like strawberries (well, sometimes, if they're in season and the juiciest sweetest strawberries imaginable).

After my hallelujah moment Taste was over but we were just getting going so headed off to a bar for mojitos. A few in and we needed food so, bad girl that I am, I ordered food (or should I say carbs) for the entire table - fries, garlic bread with mozzarella, bread with houmous, and olives - all washed down with prosecco. Yes it tasted incredible and yes I had a killer hangover on Monday at work.

p.s - the cupcake bra is nearly finished so should be able to post a picture of it before the walk on Saturday!

Tuesday 5 June 2007


let me apologise for my silence. It wasn't intentional but I have done nothing in the kitchen for a long time. A very busy two weeks has lead to a lot of meals out and too many takeaways.

It all started when, at the last minute, my Mum popped up for a few nights and we took off for a two night whirlwind tour of Scotland. We saw lochs, mountains, ospreys feeding their chicks, Glencoe, Ben Nevis still topped with snow, even a red squirrel, and rounded it all off with a trip to the Blair Atholl Highland games.

I spent the rest of the week catching up on sleeping and working and then on Saturday went for a 20 mile walk as my longest training session prior to the moonwalk. The funny thing about pushing yourself to walk for 20 miles is that you start to appreciate the little things a lot. I have never appreciated a cheeseburger as much as I did after walking solidly for six hours, taking off my shoes at home was heaven, and an hour long hot bath is the ultimate in luxury when every muscle is screaming. I'm feeling back to normal now, just in time to do it all again and then some on the 16th.

After spending Saturday is exercise gear when Sunday came and a long lunch beckoned I was ready to feel attractive again. I donned a Diane von Furstenberg wrap, blue/grey tights (it may be June but it is still not bare leg weather in Edinburgh), and dark green heels and set out for lunch at Oloroso to take advantage of their fantastic Sunday lunch deal using a voucher we were given for Christmas. Smoked salmon followed by an incredible (and immense) plate of medium rare roast sirloin, spotted dick with custard and a couple of glasses of wine and my sugar and iron levels were back on track after the walking. If you're ever in Edinburgh on a sunny day I definitely recommend heading to Oloroso and grabbing one of the sought after roof terrace seats to enjoy what is probably the best view that can be had while enjoying your tipple of choice in the city.