Maybe it's the occasional sunny day, or a post Easter mental Spring clean, or the need to eat something other than pasta with leeks and bacon or soup with bread and cheese, or maybe it is just the natural rise and fall and ebb and flow of the year...
I'm going with Winter being rubbish and my energy levels rising in direct proportion to the temperature and the hours of daylight.
What a surprise.
This morning I walked to work in my new pair of white converse (confidence to wear white converse and hope they won't be rain sodden grey converse within five minutes is surely up there with crocuses and daffodils as a sign of Spring) and caught up with podcasts and reminded myself to do it on as many mornings as the sun shines.
Gosh I love Spring.
After all that you would think it would be salad for dinner wouldn't you?
But for now it is soup, again, but with good reason.
One of Chris's colleagues has parents who own a Cantonese restaurant in Sheffield. Her Dad visted her and she very sweetly gave us three of his homemade pork buns so we are steaming those tonight. And, as they don't quite make a meal we will follow them with soup, bread, and cheese. Or, to be more specific, potato, leek, carrot and parsnip soup, Cropwell Bishop white stilton, and Sussex Yeoman hard goat's cheese. It may not be the most balanced meal in the world flavourwise but I'm looking forward to tucking in.
And, as a final aside, have you seen this?

You should.

Russell mentioned Fire & Knives to me when we were in Edinburgh a few weeks ago and I promptly ordered the first two issues. I may be too susceptible to suggestion (particularly those of the book/magazine/bag variety) but I don't see that changing and sometimes it is a very good thing. I'll wait for the next issue to pop up and then I'll be subscribing.
Here's to reading the printed word.
um, that magazine looks amazing. so much so that I might have just ordered the first issue... here's to being easily swayed by suggestion!
Hope you like it. If you were easily swayed by that you should look at the Canal House Cooking books... Gx
I really want one of the Fire and Knives tshirts... it's a great magazine!
Hi Foodycat, it really is isn't it. So pleased to have something new to read! x
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