Thursday, 29 May 2008


I'll just say it straight off, last night was lovely. There was nothing special, no going out, no seeing other people, in fact there was nothing to do but make some dinner, drink a reviving G&T (or two), and make up for the fact that our TV is still in Edinburgh by watching episodes of 'A Taste of my Life' on the internet (thank you BBC i-player). Have you seen this? Nigel Slater chats with people about their lives and their food memories. Last night we watched the episodes with Nigella and Sophie Dahl. The Nigella episode made me wish I was sitting eating with them and gave me a must try recipe of poached chicken with vegetables, rice, and saffron. The Sophie Dahl episode didn't make me as hungry but did make me a little jealous, not only is she incredibly beautiful but she is the granddaughter of the magical Roald Dahl who I credit with hooking me on reading from a very young age.

Prior to enjoying a spot of laptop watching we had a delicious and simple dinner. After not spending any time blog reading for a really long time I started catching up yesterday and in the process stumbled upon this recipe for sweet potatoes with a spicy olive and feta salad on 'Traveler's Lunchbox'. It seemed like exactly the sort of meal I wanted to make so off I went to the little Tesco near work to buy the ingredients but the only one they had was feta, not even a red onion to be found. So on the tube and over to Sainsbury's for a slightly more successful shopping trip but also some of the longest post-work supermarket queues I have ever seen. Anyway, shopping done and a bus journey home and I was ready to get started. I popped the potatoes in to bake, mixed together the salad ingredients, took a seat, waited for the potatoes to cook, split them, piled on the salad, and that was that. Easy and delicious and definitely one to be repeated in one guise or another. I'll just direct you to Melissa's page again for the recipe and for her photo as my attempt was pathetic and I was too hungry to persevere.


carine said...

'A Taste of My Life' is one of my favorites! UKTV Food often shows repeats and I'm always hooked. Alan Bennett was a really good one, as was Miranda Richardson. Ooh, and Lenny Henry was good too actually. Oh dear, I have to say I love pretty much anything and everything that involves Nigel Slater reallyx

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carine said...

Hey Gemma - I don't care what anyone says about Anthony Worrall Thompson, I maintain that he is in fact an Adonis (of sorts).

Anyway - am off to visit my friend Carrie in London in a few weeks and she was telling me about a shop in Kensington called Whole Foods Market ( which she thinks I'll like - I imagine it's somewhere you already know of but if you haven't already you should go - it looks amazing!
