Monday 31 May 2010


After a long and fun weekend of birthday celebrations involving swimming in the sea (not a wise decision considering the water temperature), eating the towering lemon cake (recipe from Romantic Cakes by Peggy Porschen), and drinking lots of prosecco we were ready for a quiet week.

Unfortunately the quiet week of our dreams turned into a busy work week but, thankfully, that busy work week culminated in a three day weekend.

Following a rained off picnic on Saturday and a Sunday burger and beers, I was happy to spend Monday reading and resting, baking and cooking.

I think I've mentioned before that I'm susceptible to recommendations. So, when a lot of my favourite bloggers started cooking from Kim Boyce's Good to the Grain I knew I had to get a copy. Never having baked with whole-grain flours before I wanted to start gently, ease myself in, and when I read the recipe for a spelt olive oil cake with chocolate and rosemary I knew where to begin. The cake was a doddle to make and the taste, well, the spelt adds a biscuity flavour and crumble, the rosemary is aromatically present but not overpowering, and the chocolate, well, I'm sure I don't need to sell you on nubs of dark chocolate in a cake?

The recipe is here so now there is nothing to do but add my voice to the clamour of recommendations. This is a great book. Original, mouthwatering, interesting.

Now, what next?

Figgy buckwheat scones, granola bars, quinoa and beet pancakes, sweet potato muffins...


Anna said...

ooh, this looks great! and i love your picture, too.

Gemma said...

Thanks Anna - I thoroughly recommend both the cake and the book!

Gemma x