When you've stayed up until 4am drinking, chatting, and dancing, a certain type of food is called for. Hangovers usually induce very specific cravings, sometimes a full English, sometimes pizza, yesterday it needed to be something in a bun. We started out debating a trip to gourmet burger kitchen but then remembered Bodean's. We questioned whether we could cope with the bus to Soho but the lure of the pulled pork was too much to resist and it was so worth it.

We pushed open the pig themed door and took a seat. After inhaling our sandwiches, a boston butt (pulled pork with coleslaw) for Chris and a plain pulled pork for me, fries, and pickles, Sunday looked a lot brighter.

ha I didn't beleive my boyfriend when he told me that he craves burgers after a hangover. It seems its a true fact than.
I had no idea this place even existed and I only work in Covent Garden! Thanks for the heads up.
Yes, burgers are definitely good for hangovers but they have to be good burgers
I work just off Covent Garden foodycat, you should definitely give Bodean's a try as it is so close. It's cheap and it's good.
When I read the menu to my husband he almost drooled - so we are there!
And you must try Wahaca. The flavours are so fresh and you actually do see Tommi Meier in there most days.
32 Great Queen St is my other absolute must for Covent Garden.
Great Queen St has been on my radar since reading about it in the Guardian so nice to hear it is deserving of the praise, I'll have to give it a shot.
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