Friday, 7 November 2008


The very friendly Jeanne over at cooksister tagged me for a meme. Well I guess I actually tagged myself as she had to tag the last ten people to comment on her blog. Memes are funny old things, some I love and others I have been known to ignore, sorry if that was one of yours. This one is, I think, a great idea. It shows commenters that you actually give a damn about seeing them and their comments and about finding their blogs. So, I have a tiny request for you all, please come out of the woodwork and say hello if you’re there. I like my readers and I want to know who you are. And to my ten tagged commenters, I'm looking forward to seeing your lists soon.

The rules:

1. List the last ten people who have commented on your blog
2. If you’re on my list then you should do the meme on your blog too

Who were my last ten commenters? Well Jeanne should be one but as she tagged me already I can’t really tag her back. So…

1. Amanda from Little Foodies
2. Freya from The Cocoa Lounge
3. Solnushka
4. Kelly-Jane from Cooking the Books
5. Sarah from Sarah Cooks, Sarah Discovers How to Eat, and Sarah's Coffee of the Week
6. Maria Rose from Little Things are Big
7. Sam from Antics of a Cycling Cook
8. Lorna from Lorna at North Hill
9. Zarah Maria from Food & Thoughts
10. Carine from ...and other recipes

Now for the questions:

1: What is your favourite post from number 3's blog?

Her ‘About Me/About Solnushka/About You/About Blogging’ sections are inspired. I went straight to them on my first visit and felt like I really got to know her. I was hooked by her humour and by the fact that there are plenty of Russian nuggets on the site.

Little known fact about me: I went to Russia on a school trip when I was 13, it was 1993, the first McDonalds had just opened, and Russia felt like part of a very different World, it was exciting and at times scary but I want to go back. Plus I love the sound of Russian, all those soft consonants give me shivers.

2. Has number 10 taken any pictures that have moved you?

Carine’s photos are always beautiful and give me a little taste of Edinburgh now that I’ve moved away.

3. Does number 6 reply to comments on their blog?

I don’t know but I just had a quick look at some of her commenters and it seems like she has a lovely band of blog followers.

4. Which part of blogland is number 2 from?

At the moment she seems to be in chocolate heaven but normally I don't know. Freya, where are you?

5. If you could give one piece of advice to number 7 what would it be?

Selfishly my advice would be to please keep sending me lovely comments. It’s great to hear from people who read my blog as it is all too easy to feel like you are writing to yourself so it gives me a real boost to know that people are interested. Thank you Sam.

6. Have you ever tried something from number 9's blog?

No, sorry. I’ve only just started reading her blog and was partly drawn in because she is in Copenhagen, another favourite city, but all of the food bloggers I read give me great ideas for meals.

7. Has number 1 blogged something that inspired you?

Frequently. She and her children go on culinary travels while staying in the kitchen. I think it’s amazing that she introduces Little and Small to so many wonderful flavours and they seem so excited about discovering new cultures.

8. How often do you comment on number 4's blog?

Regularly. She has an enviable cookbook collection so it is great to see what she has been making from her books.

9. Do you wait for number 8 to post excitedly?

Yes, she is a very good friend who now lives on Orkney. I rarely get to see her so I want to know more about what she is getting up to.

10. How did number 5's blog change your life?

Sarah’s blog was the first I started reading regularly after meeting her on so it was her that gave me the idea to start my blog, thanks Sarah.

11. Do you know any of the 10 bloggers in person?

I was at university with Lorna, we were in the same halls and then shared a flat in second year. I know Carine through Chris and his sister and we recently shared organisational duties for a surprise hen party that involved Carine making delicious cupcakes and me making quite disturbing masks of the bride's face for us all to wear.

12. Do any of your 10 bloggers know each other in person?

I don’t think any of them have met but I might be wrong?

13. Out of the 10, which updates more frequently?

I’m not sure. I want to say Sarah but I think everyone has bursts of activity punctuated by lazy weeks!

14. Which of the 10 keep you laughing?

I have only just found Solnushka’s blog thanks to NaBloPoMo but I think she will give me a few giggles.

15. Which of the 10 has made you cry (good or bad tears)?

Not so far, I hope none of them ever make me shed sad tears.

There you go, a little bit about my commenters. Go and look at their blogs and see who they have on their lists.


Anonymous said...

What a cool meme! And I'm blushing at your praise. And I'm glad I found your blog too.

I'm embarrassed to admit it now but I thought Russian was like German before I actually went there. Some kind of similarity between the Hollywood acents?

And secretly, I still prefer German...

carine said...

Wow, great meme! I'll definitely do it too - I just hope I can dig up enough comments!


Jeanne said...

So glad you liked the meme - it does make a change from "yet another set of random facts about me" :) Looks like you have a lovely band of followers there!

Sam said...

Cool MEME! it might take me a while but I'm on it!

Amanda at Little Foodies said...

Ah thank you Gemma. Hope you had a great weekend in Sussex being pampered by your mum.

Gemma said...

Thanks again for sending this meme Jeanne. I hope you all manage to do it on your blogs.

Gemma x