Thursday 15 November 2012


'Eleven o'clock and still two hours until lunchtime. Something to keep you steady - nothing finer than a slice of seed cake, washed down by a glass of Madeira. This will see you safely through until lunch.' (Fergus Henderson, Beyond Nose to Tail: A Kind of British Cooking: Part II)

On Sunday, there were online errands in the morning, then sandwiches from odds and ends in the fridge at lunchtime (mostly left from making pizzas the night before), a spoonful of pizza sauce, a few slices of prosciutto, the end of a ball of mozzarella. We piled it onto a baguette and topped it with scrambled eggs. That evening, once the cottage pie was in the oven,  I pulled out the second St John book and got to making this week's cake. A simple loaf cake speckled with caraway seeds. We've each been taking a slice to work to eat when we fancy a little something. For me, that's usually late morning or mid-afternoon, sometimes with a cup of mint tea, sometimes not. If only it could be that glass of Madeira that Fergus Henderson recommends...


Jess said...

That is my kind of cake. My neighbor makes one like it and I'm so happy when she shares.

Alicia Foodycat said...

I just can't do caraway seeds, even though that description makes me want them! Such a civilised idea.

Anonymous said...

Perfect. I always, always stop at this cake but have never made it. Going to do it.

Gemma said...

We had enough cake to last until Thursday. A small slice of cake at work is just the thing to get you through November.