Tuesday 6 October 2009


Gourmet is closing down. Condé Nast what can you be thinking?


Cerebrum said...

Sad, sad, sad :'(

Alicia Foodycat said...

What? Nooooooooooo!

bethany (Dirty Kitchen Secrets) said...

Hello Gemma,

I just discovered your blog through London Food and Drink. My name is Bethany and I write the blog http://www.dirtykitchensecrets.com here in London as well. A few other bloggers and I are organizing a conference on Food Blogging on the 28th of November, 2009 in London.

We would love it if you could join us. Depending on the number of food bloggers who RSVP, we hope to also have guest speakers talking about relevant issues to Food Blogging such as “How To Improve On Food Photography” or “What Makes A Good Food Blog” amongst others. In any case, it will be an opportunity to meet other food bloggers, some of which are coming from France, Germany and even India, and network, eat delicious food and have a good laugh.

For more information please visit http://www.dirtykitchensecrets.com/

We hope to see you there.

Bethany and the other organisers; Mowie Kay- Mowielicious, Jamie Schler- Life’s a Feast and Hilda Saffari- Saffron & Blueberry

HannahB said...

Gemma found you via peonies and polaroids, have to agree with you about 5th being better than Halloween! Nice blog but sad news.